Witosa housing estate
Witosa housing estate is located in the north-western part of Katowice. There are 12,401 residents and a total area of the estate is 3.49 km2.
We can find there among others:
– post office,
– District Prosecutor’s Office,
– primary school and junior high school,
– Triumph of the Holy Cross and Saint Herbert parish,
– sales and service centre,
– and a playground.
There are various buildings, two floor as well as eleven floor ones. Nearby we can find a park with a tourist trail.
In the vicinity there are: Makro store and Porsche car showroom.
Additional information
- Is accessible to public?
- Yes
- How far it is?
- At venue
- How good lightning is
- High
- Noise level
- Medium
- Has parking space
- Yes
- Needs permission?
- Yes