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The Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library


Budynek Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Biblioteki Akademickiej


A building of the Scientific Information Centre and Academic Library is located in a very centre of Katowice. In 2011 works on the construction of the building, designed by Dariusz Herman and Piotr Śmierzewski, were finished.


– total area: 13,260.49 m2

– usage area: 12,273.40 m2

– cubage of the building: 62,560 m3


The building consists of two segments.

The first one is a three-floor structure in the shape of a 63.75 m x 46.25 m rectangle, which includes:

– reading rooms,

– lending libraries,

– conference room for approx. 90 people,

– didactic room for approx. 30 people,

– additional rooms,

– collections of books,

– rooms for librarians,

– rooms for administrative workers.


Above the first segment there is the second structure, which is 14.3 m high, 48.75 mlong and 16.25 m wide.

Inside the second segment there are:

– rooms for employees,

– rooms for special and protected collections,

– storehouses of collections.


Inside we can mostly find artificial lighting. Around the building there is a promenade with well-kept, adjoining squares. It is located close to the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia and St. Mary’s Church.  

Additional information

Is accessible to public?


How far it is?

At venue

How good lightning is



Electricity, Water

Noise level


Has parking space


Needs permission?
