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Senator Hotel


Wejście do hotelu


Located in Katowice, in Zawodzie district building has got 96 accommodation places. One of the most popular hotels in Katowice is currently undergoing categorization in order to become three stars hotel.

Each room is equipped with the TV, phone, WiFi and the bathroom. The business zone called Senator Business Suite is located on the top floor of the building. The dining room, bar, hall with the wardrobe, toilet and the bathroom lounge are all available in the Suite.


In the building there are also „Senator” Restaurant as well as two conference rooms equipped with the projector, sound system, flipchart and screen. The hotel has got the lift.

Paderewski’s Secondary School, intercity road and discount store Lidl are located in close proximity.

Additional information

Is accessible to public?


How far it is?

At venue

How good lightning is


Noise level


Has parking space


Needs permission?
