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Palace and park complex in Krowiarki


Zespół pałacowo - parkowy w Krowiarkach


A historic palace, built in 1678, in a village of Krowiarki. In the first half of the 19th century a wooden castle was replaced by the brick one. Between 1852 and 1877 it was rebuilt – a park surrounding the castle came into being at that time. Following reconstructions, among others, of the north part that was destroyed in fire, gave the building a new style.


A total area of the castle is 4,000 m2. The older part of the palace has been built in the Renaissance Revival and Baroque Revival styles, however the new part- in the Art Nouveau style. The castle includes i.a.:

– basement,

– about 30 cellars, which make a labyrinth,

– 115 rooms.


Szkoła Aktywu Politycznego [School of Political Activists], then an orphanage, kindergarten and a hospital were located here. Currently, the building has been denationalized and its owner is carrying out renovation.

In the vicinity there are two reservoirs, picturesque park and a sports field.

Additional information

Is accessible to public?
How far it is?
How good lightning is
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