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Olsztyn castle


Ruiny zamku zlokalizowane na Jurze Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej


Ruins of the castle are located on the Kraków- Częstochowa Upland, in the Olsztyn commune. The castle has been built as a part of the Trail of the Eagles’ Nests. It represents the Gothic style castle and belongs to the cave castles group.


First mentions of the building come from 1306. To our times preserved walls of the residential part and towers– cylindrical and square in shape, walls of utility buildings, some parts of basements, forge’s foundation or furnaces’ marks.

The castle and Olsztyn village are located in Częstochowa county. The village is a seat of Olsztyn commune. It is situated 15 kilometers south-east of Częstochowa. The Trail of the Eagles’ Nests runs across the premises of the village. The national road no. 46 and Kielce-Częstochowa railway route cross the village as well.


In the vicinity there are, among others, a granary from 1784, post-German bunkers, caves and monadnocks.

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