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Nikiszowiec housing estate



Nikiszowiec housing estate is one of the oldest housing estates in Katowice, built between 1908 and 1912. Formerly it was a working class housing estate settled by miners of “Giesche” mine. A total area of the place is 200,000 m2. Nikiszowiec has been built in the shape of the amphitheatre auditorium, where a main square is a stage at which all streets converge. The housing estate includes 9 buildings made of red brick and neo-baroque St. Anne’s Church.


Each familok [multi-family house built for coalminers] has its own character. They differ in bays and portals.

Nikiszowiec housing estate encompasses:

– shops,

– pharmacy,

– restaurant,

– kindergartens,

– schools.


Miner’s housing estate is one of the most interesting tourist attractions of Katowice and Upper Silesia.

It is situated between roads connecting Giszowiec and Szopienice, close to Bolina Centre.

In 2011 Nikiszowiec was registered as the Monument of History.

Thanks to its unusual infrastructure, Nikiszowiec was used many times in film productions e.g. ‘Salt of the Black Earth’ and ‘Angelus’.

Additional information

Is accessible to public?


How far it is?

At venue

How good lightning is


Noise level


Has parking space


Needs permission?
