Przejdź do treści

Głęboka Street


Ulica ze sklepikami


Located in the Old Town of Cieszyn main promenade, running from the Castle Hill to the market place. Formerly, it constituted a major trade route of the city.


The street full of middle-class tenement houses in historic and eclectic style, dating back to the 19th and 20th century. A part of arcaded houses connected with a system of patios and stairs, from the turn of the 18th and 19th century, has survived there.

Some of the tenement houses were restored and the street took a fresh look.


Stylish street lamps were placed along the cobbled street.

Except from the living places, there are service and sales points in the tenement houses.

Designated parking spaces only for lease holders.


Głęboka Street was used in one of the scenes in the film ‘Yuma’.

Additional information

Is accessible to public?
How far it is?
How good lightning is
Noise level
Has parking space
Needs permission?