A4 motorway

Located in southern part of the country, the longest motorway in Poland.
Through the capital of Upper Silesia run two routes:
– in Kraków direction (Mysłowice, Jaworzno)
– in Wrocław direction (Chorzów, Ruda Śląska, Zabrze, Gliwice)
Located in Katowice, Murckowski junction connects the motorway running through Górnośląska Alley with National Road no 86 (Murckowska street).
Motorway A4 is the perfect spot for the film location. Thanks to its size it is an excellent place for the car chases or the other action scenes.
Additional information
- Is accessible to public?
- Yes
- How far it is?
- At venue
- How good lightning is
- Small
- Noise level
- Small
- Has parking space
- Yes
- Needs permission?
- Yes