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Blue Beat Studio / Sound Studio


BLUE BEAT STUDIO is a studio designed by musicians and filmmakers at the same time. We offer three air-conditioned rooms, equipped with the up-to-date music production equipment and post-production film equipment.

We own three independent loudspeaker systems – including 5.1 set used to re-recordings in Dolby Digital and DTS systems.

We are experienced in working on a film set and we have the equipment needed to support it. 

Contact information


+48 601 431063


Contact person


Name and surname

Krzysztof Stasiak


+48 601 431063




Sound on set, sound postproduction:

Features film, TV series:

128 Szczur – dir. J. Pączek (2013)

Bez Tajemnic – TV series dir. A. Kazejak, M. Lechki – (2012)

NOWHERE – dir. M. Szumowska – (2012)

Everything will be ok – dir. Jonas Matzow Gundbransen (2011)

Serial Ratownicy – dir. Marcin Wrona (on set) 2010

Śluby Panieńskie – dir. Filip Bajon (on set) 2009

Moja Krew – dir. Marcin Wrona (on set) 2008

Jak Żyć – dir. Szymon Jakubowski (2007/08)

Nazwano ją Marianną – dir. Magda Pawłowicz (2006)

Sztuczki – dir. Andrzej Jakimowski (2006)


Documentray and short films:

Sara – dir. J. Popkiewicz (2012)

Kiedyś będziemy szczęśliwi – dir. P. Wysoczański (2011)

Ludzie z bagien – dir. Piotr Sadziński (2011)

Generacja Opener – dir. Nicolas Villegas. (2011)

Śmierć czeskiego psa – dir. Magda Jaroszewicz (2010)

Moje Azory – portait of Filipa Bajona (2010)

W drodze – dir. Paweł Wysoczanski (2009)

Konferencja – dir. Jan Foryś (2008)

Do wolnego świata – dir. Robert Kaczmarek, G. Braun (2008)

Errata do biografii – dir. Grzegorz Braun (2008)

Gadzio – dir. Kryspin Pluta (2008)

Na koncu ulicy – dir. Jenifer Malmqvist (2007)

Wierszalin – dir. F. Carrozzini  (2007)

Tajemnice Watykanu – dir. Paweł Pitera, K. Talczewski (2005)

Praca domowa – dir. Ewa Świecińska (2004)


Shows and concerts:

Ifigenia w T – dir. W. Staniewski – Gardzienice Theatre (2012)

Stanisław Sojka, – recital Solo DVD (2006)

Dance Theater E. Wycichowskiej „Wiosna Effata’ (2008)