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Artur Jastrzębski / PHOTOGRAPHY


Artur Jastrzębski deals with many kinds of photography, including landscape, portrait, reportage, documentary, experimental and abstract.

He is a founding father of the Tychy Photographers Association (TTF).

Contact information


+48 603 834 124


Contact person


Name and surname

Artur Jastrzębski


+48 603 834 124




In the past few years, Artur Jastrzębski worked, among others, for Tychy Municipal Office, Tychy Thermal Power Engineering Company, “Aksam” Company (“Beskidzkie Salt sticks”), the Theatre of the Little Spectator, the Municipal Cultural Centre in Tychy, the Shooting Lodge Promnice as well as periodically for local weeklies from Tychy (the Echo, the Twoje Tychy).

Moreover, he lived to see his own exhibitions. The one titled “Paprocany Impressions” was displayed in 2011 in the “Pod Dachem” Gallery of the Municipal Cultural Centre in Tychy, in the “33” Gallery of the Municipal Cultural Centre in Mikołów and in the Photo Gallery of the ŁTF (the Łódź Photo Association), while “The Structure of Time” exhibition was shown in 2011 in the Art Gallery “Centre” of Nowohuckie Cultural Centre in Kraków as well as in the Theatre of the Little Spectator in Tychy, and in 2002 in the Photogallery and Small Gallery of the Acord House of Culture in Ostrava as well as in the Radio Katowice Art Gallery “Na Żywo” in Katowice.

Awards, honourable mentions:

2010 – “Obiektywnie Śląskie” (“Objectively Silesian”) – honourable mention for a photo reportage titled “Cielmice wieś wyjątkowa” (“Cielmice – an extraordinary village”), category: open,

2011 – Tychy Press Photo 2011 – an award for a photo reportage titled “Wielka woda w Paprocanach” (“The Great Water in Paprocany”), category “Best Photo Reportage Shot in Tychy”,

2011 – Silesian Press Photo 2010 – an honourable mention for “The Great Water in Paprocany” photo reportage,

2011 – Krakow Photo Month 2011 (ShowOFF Section) – an award for for “The Great Water in Paprocany” photo reportage,

2011 – Silesian Press Photo – a special award from the Biuro ESK 2016 Katowice for photo No.1 from “The Great Water in Paprocany” cycle, whose theme corresponds with the City of Gardens programme

2011 – “It’s Lovely in Tychy – Flowers for the Library” (as part of the celebrations connected with the 55th anniversary of Public Library in Tychy) – honourable mention for a photo titled „Orchidee pod kroplówką” (“Orchids on a Drip”), category: over 18,

2011 – Foto-Pein 5 – I prize for the “Atomium” two-photo cycle, category: industry,

2012 – Silesian Press Photo 2011 – an honourable mention for a photo reportage titled “Last Minute – Włochy” (“Last Minute – Italy”),

2012 – “W poszukiwaniu aniołów” (“Looking for Angels”) – Grand Prix for a photo “Bez tytułu” (“Untitled”),

2012 – “Zabytki Województwa Śląskiego w architekturze” (“Architectural Monuments in the Silesian Voivodeship”) – part of the “Industriada 2012”, the Trail of Industrial Monuments – an honourable mention for a photo titled “Ogrodzieniec”,

2012 – “Photo of the Week ” ( – an award for for a photo titled “Siesta” from “The Sicilians” cycle,

2012 – 2012 International Photography Awards – I prize for a photo from “The Great Water in Paprocany” cycle, category: “Editorial: Environmental Non-Pro”,

2012 – “Postcard to Producer” (as part of the 3rd International Festival of Film Producers REGIOFUN) – an honourable mention for a photo titled “Jezioro Paprocańskie” (“Paprocańskie Lake”),

2012 – “Photo of the Week ” ( – an award for for the “Paprocańskie Lake” photo.